Bodice Challenge~ 2 Week Marker

Hey ho~

Well, it's been 2 weeks today that I have been on my quest. I have to say that I am feeling much better and I am liking the way my face is thinning out in the mirror.

I don't miss bread or cheese. I am eating whole grains/or whole grain cereals & crackers to make up for it, and either Greek yogurt or Feta to curb my dairy cravings and bolster dietary needs. The whole serving size thing has been good for me, for I can be a piggy.

The daily exercise is a good thing and I am less "creaky".

While Harry & I were driving on our ren road trip last week, we stopped at a Thruway rest stop and we saw something that inspired us both. There was an older couple walking in, hand in hand. He had white hair and a white Santa beard and she had blonde hair put up in a loose twist. They had on shorts and were walking very quickly and happily and they were in better shape than I usually see most 30 year olds. They were in their 70's! You could only tell this by his hair color and their faces which showed some wrinkles. But they were VERY fit and strong and happy in each other's company. We noted this and when we saw them again, they were getting into a car with 2 bicycles strapped to the roof of their car. They too, were on an adventure. I said to Harry, "You know...that could be us in the future." He said he liked that idea. These two fit elderly people had an impact on me. I said, "THAT'S what I want to look like as I get older!" The woman had spunk, health and LOTS of energy. No rocking chair for her that's for sure!

There was also an elderly gentleman who came into my office at the college the other day to register for a couple of computer classes with me. He was a cutie, fun, spunky and had a great sense of humor. He registered for "Computer Fundamentals" and "Internet for Seniors". He gave me his credit card to pay for it, and I said, "ooh the numbers on here are kinda hard to read, aren't they?" He said, "Yah, it's been thru a couple of wars..,." and we both laughed. I supported him with encouragement and told him to enjoy his new experiences and he said that "Old dogs need to keep learning new tricks". He got up and left and I mentally calculated his age based upon his birthday. He was 87 years old!! How WONDERFUL! I want to be like that too! Aging gracefully, with humor, wit, continually learning new things and being fit!

This quest I am on is good for me and also good for Harry. I had him take his BP this morning.
His reading floored me: 117/77.

I also hope that this quest is good for you too?
I know I am a Word Smith.
I also know I feel tedious writing to you about the mundane, what food I's almost like describing a bowel movement. No one really wants to know what color it is, how big or little or the consistancy. (well, a few of us probably do, but we are the kind of health nut weirdos that read our shite like a Fortune Tellers' card reading or a Japanese Emperor's doctor would....after looking at the shite would declare, "More Rice, More Greens!!" :)

I suppose it's really nobody's business...and too personal for some....
but I said I WOULD do this blogging about my decision to lose weight and get fit and I am trying.

I know..... I am VERY trying. :)

I apologize for filling your email inboxes with stupid blather.

I apologize for seeming trite with all this mundane wordage of calories and itemizing of intake..

I apologize for going on about myself and appearing too self involved with all this.

On the other hand, one thing it HAS done has made me aware of just WHAT I do eat and do
I have lost 6" off my measurements in ONE week!

My BP this morning was the lowest EVA!   It was 97/66!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!

So this fucking project IS a wee success with me in the here and now.

If these blogs are a pain in the arse to you....just delete them!

I will get back to writing more interesting stuff after this QUEST and some new healthy habits are made.
(they say it takes a good month to make a good new habit...)

Of Note: I am going on 10,000 views on this blog since I started it last December!
Thank you for your support and your interest if you are a faithful and current reader!!

I only hope that my writing is a fun, beneficial thing to you, and that you don't hate me or my blather in the long run. I don't want to become a pain or a drippy faucet or squeaky wheel to you. I would hate to be that.

So, now I am off and running.....


(or at least jogging intermittently with my Joe dog :)

Love & Hugs to you, my loyal, faithful and stalwart readers for putting up with me.



Myriah said...

Another item to add to your "lists": Stop apologizing! Just write! As the saying goes: Those who matter don't/won't mind, and those who mind don't/won't matter.
Love ya!

InGothWeTruss said...

I second Myriah's post!!! Keep going woman and never look back!!! HUZZAH!!!
Oh, and I read your blog everyday, and always look forward to that part of my day!!!
Love you!!!

Merlyn Mischief said...

You ROCK! Thank You!! :) MWAH!!!

LynnieBee said...

I absolutely sympathize with your worries, I'm afraid that the daily fitness blogging would come across as tedious to some, but oddly, people seem to be inspired by it :) So, in short, I agree with the above, no apologies, just write!!! As Myriah said above, *those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind* I am so proud of you!!! Thank you for inspiring me to do this :)

Merlyn Mischief said...

I know that I do look forward to reading yours too...I guess one of the reasons, is that we, as simple human beings, like to see someone DOING it. And the comraderie is very supportive too. Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, and am also glad that it is more just in my own head and insecurities than really being a problem to others! :)

Willow said...

Never apologize for being yourself! If that includes "blathering on" about your present situation, whether that is the quest for better health, creativity, or what-have-you, then so be it. I will continue to read and be inspired by another woman's daily trudge through it all! :-)

Willow said...

p.s. this is Linda! :-)

Merlyn Mischief said...

Hi! Thanks for following along hon! :) Nice to have you onboard too :)