Day 3

Well, day 3 found me working out back by myself. I am trying to focus on cleaning one area at a time. I had wanted Wayne to help me, but he has his own agenda, and cleaning up while we have a dumpster’s clock ticking is not on it. He says that I should “just go ahead and return it early cuz I’m all done with it”.

I think not.

This statement that he left me with found me crying in my dirty work jeans, praying and channeling my mother. She taught me “A place for everything, and everything in it’s place.” I think that’s a good thought. I am trying to remain hopeful and just focusing and finishing one area at a time. It’s hard doing it all by myself, especially when the mess is really not of my making.

Today I focused on clearing the deck and hot tub area of anything that was not “spa or deck/BBQ” related. You know, like a DECK. Where you can maybe sit and put flowers on the steps and BBQ and hot tub. Like that. I put everything that was garbage in the dumpster. I put anything that is metal in the metal pile to be recycled for money. I put car parts on the trailer to give to “Pick ‘n Pull” car recycling shop. The rest, I put at the bottom of the stairs just off the patio for Wayne to go thru, if he wants it.

I cried.
I worked.
I wiped my tears.
I worked some more.
I leaned on a couple of friends for inspiration.
I am praying a lot.
I went for a long walk and went to bed early.

I hope tomorrow Wayne will get with the program and start utilizing this opportunity for organization while the dumpster is here, like we had talked about previously....
or at the very least~
that the Gods will give me the fortitude, strength and energy to keep doing this without Wayne’s help.



Unknown said...

Hire some muscle. Save your own. And before the dumpster leaves, throw out anything you don't recognize as valuable. Give advance notice of that intention so other people have adequate opportunity to respond. Be prepared for non cooperation because it is how hoarders work. Be immune to passive aggressive behavior. Good luck!

LynnieBee said...

*big hugs* I admire your strength and perseverance, and I empathize with how you feel. Sometimes I feel like I've spent my whole life cleaning up other people's messes...Everything's going to be okay:)