Day 11 "Oh she's a lumberjack and she's ok....."

I am squeezing in about an hour a day working on this clean up project.

In the rain or sun and even on work days. Yesterday found me working in the pouring rain and I managed to uncover another pile, fight with tarps that had grown entwined with grape ivy and poison ivy, and threw a bunch of metal on the metal scrap pile. Got as far as I could before I started becoming hindered by some small trees that had grown up and around the piles.

I got called in from the rain (ok, so after an hour of playing tug of war with ratty old tarps that were disintegrating and hauling rusty metal and maggoty spongey wood, which were a part of the landscape... I was ready to go in).
Had to strip naked at the back door, sneakers and all went into the washer. Sat in a robe with wet hair and drank a cold drink and recovered.

Today I asked Wayne before he left for his work day, if he could get out the reciprocating saw for me.
He did, and I thanked him.  I had asked both Wayne and Talon (when he lived here) to cut down these little suckers before they got too unmanageable.

So now, I find myself in the backyard cutting down these small trees, vibrating my arm off, pouring with sweat and really wondering about why I am doing this, and why didn't the "men" do this before?

Oh well. It's done now. Threw a bunch of cut down limbs and brush onto the "compost pile" (which is really just a big pile....I will be working on making a real compost pile that we can turn...later. One battle at a time).

Am very glad I'm not really prone to poison ivy. I have gone barefoot and romped in the woods and even stood in the same area as others that got it and I've managed to walk away unscathed. (knock on wood, even so).

I found today several soaked old phone books, soggy manuals and falling apart old address books left in the rain, as well as a bunch of stuff I'd LOVE to toss but will ask Wayne for some input. Things with wires and cabling and dials and knobs. Not sure how they'd be good now, but I am not the one who works with this stuff. Maybe they are "parts"....(?)

Have now amassed 4, count 'em, 4, gas cans. Found yet another Chevy rim...(got rid of 2 of them out front for free :) and threw some odds & ends shite in the dumpster.

Stripped off at the backdoor again and threw everything I wore to work in,  into the washer. Was so lucky to step in a mud hole and work in a swamp! Am very tired.

Gonna have a shower and iron some fabric to work on garb for a friend...

then start MY work day.

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