Accountability Temperature Check....

 Here I am looking back to a YEAR ago when I wrote the following here on my blog:

My writing teacher told me about a book out there that is a daily life journal,...
but its different in that it has today's date for 3 years in a row.

Like it has a daily spot for entries on:

It's for tracking goals, dreams, problems...then after a year or two of journaling, you can "look back" at what you were going thru, what was good, and how you wound up the following year from the choices you made previous.

Interesting, huh?

This all made me remember my Gramma James. She was 86 when she died.
After her funeral, we found many black & white composition notebooks filled with pages and pages of a Daily Journal she'd been keeping for 50 years!
It was a record of the daily weather.
She did this habit diligently for all that time!

That was freaking amazing!

I don't know. But it was a simple daily habit that she connected with.
Now, I don't know if I have it in me to do 50 years worth of it like she did....
But I do have enough will power to try TODAY.

So, I customized a personal template and started that yesterday. For giggles.
I will track certain emotions, information, weather (thanks to Gramma :) Blood Pressure, Weight...

My template looks like this on a single page:
I will put copies of these pages in a 3 ring notebook and see how I like doing it for awhile.

Date 3/11/12 Weight BP
Current Project or Book that I'm reading:

Date 3/11/13 Weight BP
Current Project or Book that I'm reading:

Date 3/11/14 Weight BP
Current Project or Book that I'm reading:

Both these journals (Food and Life) should give me an interesting, fun, accurate way to track myself and my cycles and progress....

as well as a longer view of my life.

Where we wind up tomorrow is because of the choices we made today.

Just thought I'd share it with you, for what it's worth.

Shakespeare, that great Journalist....had it right:

So it's been a YEAR now!


I have DONE THIS project!
A whole year now, I have been getting up, taking my blood pressure and weight and writing down the weather (temp and what kind of weather) and jotting down my day's events in a 3 ring binder.

Tomorrow I turn the last page entry and go back to the beginning of my notebook and start the entries for my 2nd YEAR of doing this!
I think it will be interesting to see my daily entry from a year ago, and what I was doing/feeling and compare it to where I am at on the following day a year later....or TWO years later if I can keep it up!


Thought I'd share :)

Also note worthy is that my Gramma James's birthday was on March 7- 103 years ago yesterday
She died 3 days after her 86th birthday on March 10th, 1986. 
I started my daily 3 year journal in her honor around the anniversary of her birth and death day.

I think some traditions are worth implementing and carrying on. :)

Have a great year of days out there my friends!


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