Mag 104

"He approves of the undertakings"
 "The New Order of the Ages"
These are the words printed on our money.

Those trustworthy Washingtons.
Those steady Lincolns
Those stalwart Benjamins

In our pockets
In our purses
In our dreams

 Really are

The All Seeing Eye
Magnified thrice 
by Magickal Pyramid Power

Mammon lives.


If you would like to read what some other fine writers have done with this inspirational photo today....
surf here!


Tess Kincaid said...

Brilliant! Mammon really does live...

Tigerbrite said...

Nice one. My first reaction on seeing this was also the All Seeing Eye.

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...



Suko said...

Favorite lines:

Those trustworthy Washingtons.
Those steady Lincolns
Those stalwart Benjamins

Excellent poem!

Stafford Ray said...

Greed is good! haha!

21 Wits said...

Oh yes, long live too....nicely done. I just adore your header photo too, quite an expression of happiness as your ship is in!

Unknown said...

Interesting poem, Merlyn. Mammon certainly does live and I enjoyed your "Magickal" reflections on this idea. Well said. Thank you for sharing. =D

Carrie Van Horn said...

True Merlyn.....great writing!