I hope you had a great week, I sure did.
My wild hair idea about doing a Spa Week for myself went grand!
I tried out a couple of NEW things:
A cream facial ~ This homemade beauty treatment worked almost like a peel. It was 1 tbls heavy cream whisked up with enough baking soda to give it the consistency of shaving creme. Then add 1 tbls of honey. Cover your clean face with it. I let mine set, grabbed a book, put my feet up and read for 20 minutes -1/2 hour till it gets "tingly". Rinse.
Skin on face and neck were lovely and soft and someone asked me if I "got some sun". So fresh peachy creamy I was! :)
A super condition hair treatment~ rather than try some olive oil or mayo treatment (been there, done that many years ago enough to know that it reeks and is hard to rinse out) Instead, I opted for a tube of special hair conditioner from my hairdresser, with a friend over and we super conditioned our wet hair and topped it with a shower cap for about 1/2 hour. Hair seems soft and a bit stronger.
And some treats:
*Vanilla Almond Bubble Bath
*Epsom Salt Bath
*Saged the house
*Walked on the beach with my doggy!
*Took time for books and reading
* Walked doggy daily for 1/2 hour every morning
*Did 3 hours yoga (M/W/F) and did a dance tape for fun (T/Th)
*Took time for a couple of friend day adventures, with lunch out and a chat.
*Hot tubbed a couple of wonderful relaxing hours with loved ones.
*Allowed myself some great food (and even made a fruit laden ice cream sundae for dinner! Heavy on fruit but topped with some Ben & Jerry's. Hey, it's natural, vitamin C, potassium and calcium :)
HOW the hell did I do this on a week where I had lots of gigs and regular work?
I implemented a SCHEDULE for myself and I disciplined myself to get up at 6am, get going w/ exercise, and to keep sticking to the plan. I got a LOT done, AND got to bed on time for the most part!! (with exception of Open Mic party and St. Paddy's day Irish fest/visiting).
My days M-F looked like this:
6am..... .....Wake Up/Clean up/Awaken/Emails
7am..... .....Walk/Yoga
8:30am..... Breakfast
9-Noon..... Work/Projects
Noon ........Lunch
1-5pm...... Work/Projects/Sunbathing/Sauna/Nap/Personal
5pm......... Dinner
7-9pm..... Evening entertainment/Tea/Conversation
9-10pm... Bath /book
10pm...... Bed (I'm trying to get 7-8 hours sleep)
Well, I adapted it around my schedule of gigs and work....but it was mostly like this.
I feel fabulous.
I think as an experiment, this idea of "SPA WEEK" is a keeper and I would like to keep the schedule and the body treatments as a regular thing, instead of an infrequent thing.
Try it.
What have you got to lose but some stress and wasted TV time?
Try a clay mask some time... I love those :) I have some if you'd like to try it let me know :)
It is the wee hrs and I am sitting here with a milk and honey mask on, inspired by YOU.
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