Last night our monthly group of big people (notice I didn't say Adults :) met up at our StoryBook friend Kate's house to discuss and enjoy the writings of Arnold Lobel with his books about "Frog & Toad."
I admit, I hadn't even thought about these books since my girls were wearing underoos. (Hint: they are now 26 & 28 years old, and I'm pretty sure they haven't worn underoos in about 20 years :)
But no matter! We delved into the books and read to each other and just enjoyed the simple pleasures of friendship and being honest and silly!
How absolutely wonderful to read aloud to each other these short quips and stories this night!
Bonus: We found a lot of buttons. :)
We tried hiding the cookies. It didn't work :)
We also realized that some of the reasons why we like these characters so much is that they remind us of two little old men friends.
They sort of acted out in those ways...
One that tries new things....
One that is standoffish...
But they both are committed friends always!
The original BFF! Or like an Amphibian Odd Couple of sorts :)
It's all good. We revisited some simpler story lines, and some really funny puns and setups for jokes.
I'm pretty sure that in 1971 when Arnold Lobel was writing these stories...the term Snail Mail hadn't even been coined yet.
But wait for came just the same. Just like in the story!
I think that term started right here in this children's book!
As Usual....We had some really delicious themed food and drink for our dinner together:
What do Frogs and Toads like? Well, they liked Salmon Salad and Flies (black beans),
strawberries and cookies!
and scrumptious pulled pork (which looked a lot like frog :)
and we had to wash it down with this! How PERFECT!
We all took a poll and decided that....
We LOVE our StoryBook Club!!
Next month in June we will have a Field Trip to see the new movie "Maleficent" together with drinks and nibbles! We can't wait and are ecstatic!
Click here to check out the great trailer for the movie "Maleficent!"
Then in July we decided that we will continue the story and study it with all its twists and turns!
And oh boy howdy! I think we'll have a BLAST getting into the symbols and themes on this tale!
Until then.....
stay away from spinning wheels. :)