Simple Pleasures 16

Well, this month is 1/2 over already!!!

Wee small lovely things I'm thankful for today are:

1) Meeting up with Anne & Mike Dougherty and setting up the booth for the cards weekend. It was fun and enjoyable working together, hanging tapestries and making our "house" for the weekend. The booth looks awesome!!

2) Getting all ready for my evening, and then stealing a half hour for a stretch out relax on the couch to rest and collect my spirits before another busy spell.

3) Enjoying my cards, the helpful, kind way that they healed people this night. Every reading was spot on and encouraging and optimistic. It's because I say this prayer for each person in my heart while they shuffle the cards and think of their question, "God, Goddess, please let me help this person for their greatest and highest good." And they DO. :) Bliss. It just feels so wonderful to connect heartily with people and feel you really helped them on their path.

4) A glass of Cabernet, my slippers, jammies and Lorie's afghan to snuggle with after I was chilled in the crisp wonderful fall night air.

5) I feel the change of the season in the nip of the wind and seeing my breath this night. It is lovely to feel the crispness of the world.

I hope your day was helpful, hopeful and fabulous too!

1 comment:

LynnieBee said...

HUZZAH! I felt the crispness and saw mt breath this e'en as well :)