Simple Pleasures 17

A lovely sunny fall harvest day!

Things I am thankful for this day~

1) Having the opportunity to read cards again at the Jordan Fall Fest. It's my 16th year here :) I felt that my readings were helpful, hopeful and attracted good to each person I did them for.

2) Scotch Pine candles. I bought THREE :) They smell wondrous!!

3) Working with my mates. Harry helped me as front man for my booth as usual...Talon read for a couple of hours to cover the booth for me, and also Anne who we worked with on the booth and the festival. Great mates all. Fun, intelligent and hard working, diligent and sensitive readers and people for the public.

4) Chicken BBQ from the Fire Dept. mmmmm.......1/2 chicken with salt potatoes, coleslaw and applesauce.
I gave Monty my roll, and I opted for a bottle of water, instead of the soda it came with :)

5) A dram of "Pyrat Rum"....a special bottle that Talon bought for us all, it because it said on the label, "Dedicated to the patron saint of Fortune Tellers, Bartenders & Pirates". Of course he had to get it after we all worked reading cards today. It was delicious, with almost a licorice finish. :)

6) A movie, with us all enjoying a chilly evening....and Joe too :) We watched "Unknown" with Liam Niesum. Excellant.

I hope your day was a grand one as well! :)

1 comment:

LynnieBee said...

So wish I could have been there, we still have to trade readings of these days *love!*